The Week That WasPGA Championship NBA Lottery the Jets – LOL.  Another interesting week goes bye  By and Bye but not Bye Bye Bye.   The NBA does a good job with their draft lottery.  It is not and never will be at the level of the NFL but it does at least get your attention.  The PGA Championship it in a strange spot.  I guess it used to be at this time back in the 40s.  Not sure why they moved it back then.  I get why hey moved it now but I don’t think that it is a good move.  Guess we will find out.  The Jets took a look at this week and saw that not much was going on so they said here hold my beer.  Hockey has a mess in over time again.  Hockey is starting to gain some traction so they better figure out how to fix this and quickly.  Survivor came to an end and GOT fans just got weird.  All that and more in the week that was.

PGA Championship

I am not sure how I feel about the PGA Championship being the third weekend of May.  I get why they did it.  It was getting lost in August with NFL football getting going.  It turned out that the PGA Championship was a great event that I ended up missing.  It turns out that it was at a bad time.  Just too much going on. I was able to keep up with it.  So that was at least something.  Brooks Koepka won his fourth major of his career.  This gives him three wins in the last five majors.  That is quite impressive.  Koepka has made it clear that his focus is on the major championships and not on winning any other tournaments.  Some people seem to have a problem with that.  I am not really sure why.  With the huge push for championships that the sports hosts, bloggers, and writers have it is not a surprise.  Since the Fed Ex championship is never going to super seed the majors that is where the players will focus.

This all comes about because it has been bashed into their head.  Over and over again that the majors are all that matters.  I don’t disagree with that and have no problem with players making that their focus.  A player will be remembered more for how many majors they win anyway.  The other big thing that happened this weekend was the amount of noise that was made at the tournament.  Again there were some people that had their undies in a bunch over that.  There were others that loved it.  I am one that love it and think that we need more of that.   I am not for just absolute crazy yelling and trying to throw someone off with it.  I have always wondered why it was ok for fans to be as loud as possible with someone up to bad but take a golf swing and you need absolute silence.  Both are extremely difficult.  So bring it on but don’t be stupid.  We all know that fans have the ability to ruin everything.  So be smart out there people.

We are two majors into the golf season.  This means we are half way done.  It really does not matter how long the actual season goes.  Once the majors are done the season is over for most of the fans.  By moving te PGA Championship up to May it just means that the Golf season will end for most people much earlier.  So this year the season will end in July after the  Open Championship.  This year it will be held at the Royal Portrush Golf Club.  This will be the second time the Open Championship will be held there.  The last time was in 1951.  On the bright side Golf will be done before the NFL pre season begins.  On the down side for Golf the game will be forgotten after the third week of July.

NFL Jet don’t want a Slow Week

The Jets not wanting the NFL to miss out on a news cycle during the week and missing that the Browns finally decided to try.   Fired their vice president of player personel Brian Heimerdinger and their General Manager Mike Maccagnan.  While these kind of firings in the NFL are not out of the norm.  It is a bit strange that a few weeks after the draft and just past free agency where Mccagnan spend some crazy amounts of cash.  That they would be let go.  It looks like it was a power struggle between newly hired coach Adam Gace and GM Mccagnan.  It looks like Mccagnan lost.   Not sure what the Jets are thinking here.

I was a bit surprised when the Jets hired Adam Gace.   He left the Dolphins with a stellar record of 23 and 25.  Somehow in his first season with the Dolphins they managed to go 10 – 6 and make the playoffs.  They were then steam rolled by the Steelers in the wild card game.  After than it was all down hill.  Down hill fast at that.  Other than than his first season where the Dolphins made the playoffs there was nothing interesting about his stint as head coach and nothing that pointed to him being some head coach genius down the road.  It was quite the surprise when the Jets named him their head coach.   Not as big a surprise as what they did this wek in making him the interim GM.

Maybe the Jets just feel bad for the league that the Browns look like they might be an alright team and they want the league to have a door matt.  I am guessing that Le’Veon Bell is happy that he sat out last year and signed with the Jets.  He might not care.  He got is $35 Million in guaranteed money and if that is what makes him happy then I have no problem with that.

Adam Gace is now saying that there was no power struggle between him and the GM.  Really dude you won.  You have to stop talking now.  It really just makes you look foolish and makes the Jets look even more foolish.  I really don’t get what some of these teams are thinking.  I know when they make some of their decisions it looks like they are making good choices.  They always say that hind sight is 20;/20.  In this case the Jets need some serious corrective lenses.

NBA Draft Lottery

The NBA had their draft lottery.  At least you can tell one thing for sure.  It is not fixed.  If it was then the Knicks or the Lakers would have won the top pick.  Instead it was the Pelicans that got it.  There were a few cheers and a lot of crying going on when that happened.  The Lakers did manage to move up to the fourth pick.  With many people saying it is a three player draft I guess they just missed it.  That is a crazy thing to say.  I am sure there are more than three good players in this draft.  After the first few that look like a sure thing it is just finding the right one to draft.

In the aftermath of the lottery as I was listening to the radio.  From when I started listening around 7 am there were stories about Zion Williamson refusing to go to teh Pelicans.  Going to play in Europe.  Possibly going back to play another year at Duke.  Just sitting out and working on his game so he can go back into the draft.  Converting to Tight End and going to the NFL.  If that last one sounds absurde.  You are right but it is no more absurde than all the other stuff I heard he was going to do.

All day about every 15 minutes a new theory about what he was going to do.  They were not presented at a theory though.  They were presented as fact.  Turns out that Williamson said none of that stuff.  He made no indication that he was going to do any thing other than go play for the team that drafted him.  His Step father also confirmed that.  There are much worse things you can do than to get drafted by the Pelicans.  Take a ton of cash and play some basketball.  If he does not like it there and the team does nothing to win.  He will only have to be there for 5 or fewer years.  He can work on his game at the pro level and then move on.  But maybe the Pelicans are building to something big.  Maybe they will get Anthony Davis to stay and play with him.  I am pretty sure that Zion will play there for at least some time.

MLB minor league Robot Ump

This is a really interesting idea.  It is something that they have been talking about for a long time.  It also does not mean what people think it means.  It is not going to be an actual robot sitting behing home plate calling balls and strikes.  It is also not going to replace the home plate umpire.  You will still need some one back there to make the actual call and then to make safe/out calls at the plate and anything else that does not fit as a ball or a strike.  It is suppose to help make the calls more consistent.  For me this falls in the same category as replay.  On the surface it looks like a really good idea.  You really want to get the calls right.  In reality what it will do is take some of the human element out of the game.  In our never ending quest to “get it right” we are taking out some of the excitement of the game.  I am fine with them experimenting with this in the minor leagues.  I really hope that they never bring it to the top level.  I would rather have a few calls wrong.  In the end it evens out for most teams.

On the Tube TV not You

Two big shows had their series ending episodes this week.  One I watch the other I have not watched.   The one I watch is the Big Bang Theory.  While I really enjoy the Big Bang Theory I think that they probably went for one season too many.  It seems that there is just as many people that hated the series for what ever reason.  As people that loved it.  I think they were able to meld some real world science with a fictional world pretty well.    With this show as with all entertainment it seems that people have trouble separating the real world from the fictional world.  As far as I can tell that will never be able to be fixed.  As with anything if you don’t like it I have a simple solution for you.  Just dont watch it.  I don’t need to see your hate posts on a thread about the show. Or on any other thread I am reading.  I do agree with a lot of people that the final season was eh at best.  But after the good run they had.  I am ok with that.  Glad to see the actors that entertained me for the last 12 years get those extra pay checks.  They deserved it.

The other Show that ended is Game of Thrones.  I have not seen any episodes of GoT yet.  We do not subscribe to HBO.   We will probably watch the whole series on some future winter week when we are snowed in and do not want to go out at all.  It seems that a lot of people really did not like the last six episodes of the series.  This can be demonstrated in several ways.  The first is the hate that my friends posted on their Facebook walls after every episode this season. The second reason I can tell this is because a coffee cup and a bottle of water made the news rather than anything about the actual episodes.  I am still not sure that either of those events were an accident.   I really think that GoT created their own problem by waiting 18 months from the end of season seven to the start of season eight.  The expectations that were built up were un realistic.  This set them up for a large part of their audience to be disappointed.  When we finally watch this we will not have those expectations so it will be interesting to see how it goes for us.

Two other shows had their season finally this week but not their series finally.  Survivor and American Idol.  American Idol should not do a three hour end of the season episode.  Two hours would have been just fine and would not have had to drag out till 11 pm in the Eastern time zone.  I get the newer short format that they are doing with Idol and mostly like it.  At times I miss the drama of sending one person home each week.  I know that ship has sailed and they had to adjust.  I do think that this condensed format works well and they got the right three people to the end.  It really did not matter which of the three won since I think that they will all have nice careers if they choose to.

Survivor had a great ending to the season.  Even though they had a three hour end as well.  It really did not seem like it.  I like how survivor is mixing up how the game is played each season now.  I know that the Survivor traditionalists are not happy with some of the changes.  It did lead to a very exciting end and a surprise winner who as recently as last week no one knew would have a chance to win it.  Any way this is a show that we will watch till it ends.  Great suspense and drama.

That is it for this week.  If you enjoy The Week That Was please leave us some comments to let us know.  Also everything we write in here is up for discussion so feel free to leave comments here or on Facebook.  If you have friends that you think might like to read BigLakeSports please forward this to them.

We would love to hear your thoughts and opinions.

If you missed it here is last weeks post for The Week That Was

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