NBA = Fail

I was going to write a big story about how the NBA is blowing it.  How the players and the owners just do not get it. The title says it all, nothing more to say. Share...

Get on the Ball Big 10!

With all the changing conference nonsense that is going on it’s pretty hard to sort out what really serves college sports the best. (refer to previous posts!)   However, since it is not going away and the really desireable schools are somewhat limited it would...

Silly ESPN with egg on its face….again!

ESPN the cable network that fancies themselves as the end-all and be-all of sports, but is actually known for their silliness has done it again! This time it’s not their lack-luster announcers who are best known for their glib comments, outrageous positions and...

Has Michael Vick become a Crybaby?

The answer is yes! Whenever a NFL Player tries to play the”poor me” card, they always lose. This is something I never expected from MV! We had been led to believe in his pristine athleticism. We had already been fed the “poor me” stuff from the...