After the Weekend – The Return

After the weekend was started a few years ago.  I then got side tracked and stopped doing it.  I am going to bring this back and attempt to make this a weekly column.  In this  I will give my opinions of what went on over the past week(end) in sports and life in...

NFL Season starting – The greatest time of the year

NFL season is starting today.    The opening of the NFL season is always a fantastic time of year.  Every team starts with the same record.  We know that some teams will win.  Some teams will lose.  Some are planning to lose.  With the 16 game season.  Every game is...

Colin Kaepernick – The Job Saga Continues

Colin Kaepernick search for a job continues. As the time goes by many people are saying the reason he is not getting signed is because of either his race or his protest of the National Anthem last year.  Some are saying it is collusion by the NFL owners.  What could...

Breaking News ESPN Acquires Right to NBA Off season

In a stunning turn of events the NBA has sold the rights to the NBA off season to ESPN.  Anonymous ESPN executives have leaked the news.  An official announcement will follow.  “With the NBA regular season becoming less and less interesting.  ESPN has pinpointed...

The Sports reporters has been killed by ESPN

The Sports Reporters was one of the few shows left on ESPN that I watched anymore.  By few I mean two.  There was two shows that I watched on ESPN that were not live sporting events.  For 28 years my Sunday morning has included two shows.  Out Side the Lines (OTL) and...

Super Bowl 51 – The Greatest Football Game Ever Played

The Greatest Football game ever played is Super Bowl 51.   Of course like anything in sports it is debatable.  But there is no doubt in my mind and many others that this game is at least in the running.  In my opinion it is the greatest Super Bowl ever played.  It...