NFL Draft 20182018 NFL Draft is in the book.  All that waiting and then even with it being three days it is done.   Just like that it is over.   Now we have to wait for the Rookie training camps and then the regular training camps to start.   That does not stop us from taking a look and trying to determine who came out on top and who just made picks just for the sake of making picks.  It is not that bad but there is no way that everyones draft strategy will work out.  It just does not work that way.   The question is who more than likely did well enough and who just failed.

It takes years to know how well teams did

We really won’t know the answer to that question for several years.  Some we will find out about next year.  Others of course it will take much longer.  It seems to really judge a draft class you have to wait about three years.  Since we don’t have that kind of time we will judge it now.

With what was a major surprise to everyone except the Browns, Jets and Patriots – If you believe the things said after the draft – the Browns selected Baker Mayfield with the first pick over all.  This could turn out to be the most amazing fabulous pick ever or in usual Browns fashion it could be a huge bust.   I would not have had Mayfield as the first pick in the draft but that pick actually makes more sense than their pick at number 4.

Surprise Surprise

In what turned out at least me, to be a bigger surprise.  Rather than taking Bradley Chubb with that 4th over all pick.  The Browns selected Denzel Ward.   While again this may not be a bad pick.  It was not the best pick they could make with that pick.  It was such an unexpected pick that the Broncos about tripped over the carpet racing to toss in their draft card for Bradley Chubb.    As would any of the other teams in the NFL if they had that pick.

I get what the Browns are trying to do.  There are how ever some players that even if they are not biggest need they are just that good of a prospect.  I believe that Chubb is one of those players.  That is not saying that Ward will not turn into a good choice I just think that Chubb will have a better NFL career.

Toooooooo Loooooong

The draft lasted way too long.  I was unable to watch a lot of it.  But I was able to keep up with the picks as they were happening.  I don’t think that the Browns failed on day one.  Think they could have done better.   They may have turned out to make the right choices.  For that to be so Mayfield and Ward will have to be 8 – 10 year players with multiple pro bowl selections.

I am pretty sure that Chubb will be at that level and It is possible that Darnold and Rosen will be as well.   With the number of draft picks that the Browns had over all they did pretty well.  Most people are grading them out at a B+ to an A-.     I would tend to go with the B+.   Of course with how bad they were last year there is no where to go but up.  One win would be an improvement.   I think that over all they have improved their team but it will be a stretch to get to 5 wins this year.

They can’t all get a passing grade

It seems that a lot of the sites are grading out all the teams at a C or better.  There is no way that is reasonable.   Every year there will be a few teams that completely miss on their draft picks.  It is just the way it is going to be.  The draft is such an unknown.   A team could make the exact right picks and for some reason things still just do not work out.

The Packers had a draft where they picked for need and then also added to next years draft.  Not sure what the Saints were thinking on that one.  Guess they though that is what they had to do to get their man.  Seemed like an odd choice to me but in the heat of the moment sometimes you will give up things you would not normally give up in order to get the pick you want.

Big Ben said what?

If you listen to Big Ben then the Steelers missed out by taking a Quarterback with a third round pick.   With how goofy he has been lately you really can’t blame them for making the pick.  It is not like they traded up into the first 5 picks to take a Quarterback.  Really Ben you do know that this is a business and that the team will have to go on after you are gone.

I do agree with him that it is not his job to train his replacement.  I do not have a problem with any starting QB saying it is not their job to train the young incoming guys on the team.  It is not no matter what the crazy talking heads say out there.   They are here to keep their job and be the best at their position they can be.  Not to train the guys that are coming up.  If the team wants them to do that then add a coach position to their title and chuck out some more money.

As always the draft takes for ever to get here.  Then just like that it is done.   Now on to the training camps.   If you have any comments we would love to hear from you.  Read our pre draft opinions here.