The NFL should become the title sponsor of NASCAR

NASCAR has a problem.  The problem is actually not that they are losing their title sponsor.   In less then two years Sprint is going to be kicking NASCAR to the curb.  Sprint is saying that the payback is small for the amount of money they are putting into NASCAR....

Who is ready for some Football

The NHL is done.  The NBA is done.  MLB is going but the races don’t mean much till August.  If you are a NASCAR fan it fills in the time a bit here and there.  It is at this time of year that I really start to miss football.  For me Football seems to make the...

Has Michael Vick become a Crybaby?

The answer is yes! Whenever a NFL Player tries to play the”poor me” card, they always lose. This is something I never expected from MV! We had been led to believe in his pristine athleticism. We had already been fed the “poor me” stuff from the...

The Big Con from the NFL Players

Isn’t it strange that in the recent agreement between the owners and players of the NFL, new testing of the drug HGH was to begin before the season! It hasn’t and do you know why? I wonder. The reason given is that the union as requested a stay because it...

Will the Lions go to the Superbowl?

I have just watched the Detroit Lions simply decimate New England!  Who woulda thunk?  Don’t get too excited, Brady doesn’t seem to be too upset and I guess I concur with him.  There are a lot of games to go and this one doesn’t even count!  Three...